TOSEC Naming Convention

Tosec Naming Convention (2008-07-20) - Media Type

Article Index

Media Type

This field is used if the software spans more than one CD/GD-ROM/DVD, diskette, tape or file. Note that apart from the normal possibilities (Disk, Disc, Tape …), “Side x of y” is also allowed.

Media Type Possibilities

Media Types



CD/DVD/ ???











For example, where there are 9 or less disks, the format of "(Disk x of y)" is used, if there are 10 or more disks then (Disk xx of yy) should be used, there can also be the case where more than one volume is grouped in a single image, so something like (Part 1-2 of 3) is also allowed.
In cases where double sided tapes or disks are involved, the "Side A/B" entry is also included.

Media Flag Samples

• Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(Devstudio)(US)(File 1 of 2)
• Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(Devstudio)(US)(File 2 of 2)
• Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(Devstudio)(US)(Disc 1 of 6)
• Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(Devstudio)(US)(Disk 06 of 13)
• Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(Devstudio)(US)(Side A)
• Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(Devstudio)(US)(Side B)
• Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(Devstudio)(US)(Tape 2 of 2 Side B)
• Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(Devstudio)(US)(Side 1 of 2)
• Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(Devstudio)(US)(Part 1-2 of 3)


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