TOSEC release! (2024-05-17)
- Details
- Category: Releases
- Published: 17 May 2024
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 10590
Welcome everyone to the first TOSEC release of 2024!
We had originally planned this for Easter but found that we had so much more to include this time that taking a few extra weeks would make all the difference. Hopefully, you'll agree with us as we put out another packed release.
The new datpack can be found in our Downloads section. As always, make sure to peruse the readme.txt (or click 'READ MORE...') and feel free to join us on Discord or at the forum with any related discussion.
TOSEC release! (2023-07-10)
- Details
- Category: Releases
- Published: 10 July 2023
- Written by PandMonium
- Hits: 12938
Hello again folks and welcome to our bumper summer TOSEC release!
In the 6 months since our last release we've been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century, with our brand new Discord server helping bring more of the community together and leading to some great new submissions and fixes. This release sees substantial updates to every one of the branches and may be one of our biggest ever!
The new datpack can be found in our Downloads section. As always, make sure to peruse the readme.txt (or click 'READ MORE...') and feel free to join us on Discord or at the forum with any related discussion.
TOSEC is now on Discord
- Details
- Category: Site News
- Published: 26 April 2023
- Written by PandMonium
- Hits: 3793
It took us some time, being the old geezers we (well, some of us) are, but we finally joined the rest of the world and TOSEC now has its own Discord!
Feel free to join, ask your questions, submit data and help, or simply hang out with us!
Here is your invitation:
TOSEC release! (2023-01-23)
- Details
- Category: Releases
- Published: 23 January 2023
- Written by PandMonium
- Hits: 11753
Hello folks and welcome to our big "We missed all Anniversaries" release!
This one was initially supposed to be a Christmas release, which then slipped to New Year's, which then slipped to TOSEC's 23rd anniversary on the 18th of January, which then went by with nothing at all happening. Having missed all possible anniversaries due to our creaky old joints not being able to type fast enough, we are now happy to give you something on a totally unremarkable non-anniversary date.
The new datpack can be found in our Downloads section. As always, make sure to peruse the readme.txt (or click 'READ MORE...') and feel free to join in in the forum with any related discussion.