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- Written by Cassiel
- Category: WIP News
- Hits: 2897
Some further work has been made today on the Atari hierarchy by Cassiel.
All 8bit DATs have been brought in line with the latest TNC changes.
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- Written by Cassiel
- Category: WIP News
- Hits: 2987
Some further work has been made today on the Altos Computer Systems hierarchy by Cassiel.
All ACS-186/586/986, ACS-8000, and Series 5 'Application' DATs have been brought in line with the latest TNC changes.
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- Written by Cassiel
- Category: WIP News
- Hits: 4105
Today the entire ColecoVision hierarchy has been redone from scratch by Cassiel and Ikrananka.
ALL commercially released software has been re-dumped and verified, resulting in many hacks and bad dumps being identified and new clean images being added. In addition, many new hacks and homebrew images have been added too.
None of this would be possible without the outstanding work done by Ikrananka and his ColecoVision ROM Update Project. Ikrananka, with help from AtariAge members NIAD, Pixelboy and others, worked tirelessly to compile a complete and clean set of ROM files for all of the titles commercially released for the ColecoVision from inception through to, and including, the 1980s Telegames releases.
I would strongly recommend reading all about this amazing project here: https://atariage.com/forums/topic/228832-cv-rom-update-project-commercial-releases-v12/
Ikrananka's documentation on the many variants and regional differences is particularly fascinating if you are a fan of the ColecoVision.
Well done to everyone involved!
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- Written by Cassiel
- Category: WIP News
- Hits: 3534
Some further work has been made today on the entire Amstrad hierarchy by Cassiel.
All DATs have been brought in line with the latest TNC changes, as well as general clean ups and re-organisation based on the various Amstrad models.
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- Written by Cassiel
- Category: WIP News
- Hits: 3105
Today we have another brand new Sord M5 dump added to TOSEC courtesy of Ola Andersson (aka TBC): 'Pit Chaser'.
Pit Chaser is extremely rare and has never been dumped before to Ola's knowledge.