- Details
- Written by PandMonium
- Category: Releases
- Hits: 8545
The first TOSEC release of 2017 is here!
This release took a bit more time but is also much more varied, adding a good amount of new systems as well as updates to existent ones, thanks to Crashdisk, mai, Duncan Twain, tomse, Maddog, MetalliC and mictlantecuhtle.
The pack can be found in our downloads section. As always, make sure to peruse the readme.txt (or click 'READ MORE...') and feel free to join in in the forum with any related discussion.
- Details
- Written by PandMonium
- Category: Releases
- Hits: 10064
Hey! We are back with a new TOSEC release!
This release is again about Commodore. This time with Commodore C64 contributions by Duncan Twain, with help of SG-1 Charpy and IguanaC64, and updates to Commodore Amiga ISO thanks to tomse.
The pack can be found in our downloads section. As always, make sure to peruse the readme.txt (or click 'READ MORE...') and feel free to join in in the forum with any related discussion.
- Details
- Written by PandMonium
- Category: Releases
- Hits: 23465
We start 2016 with a new release!
The pack can be found in our downloads section. As always, make sure to peruse the readme.txt (or click 'READ MORE...') and feel free to join in in the forum with any related discussion.
- Details
- Written by PandMonium
- Category: Releases
- Hits: 15105
Hi, peeps! After nearly six months we have a new TOSEC release, this time to welcome Summer!
The pack can be found in our downloads section. As always, make sure to peruse the readme.txt (or click 'READ MORE...') and feel free to join in in the forum with any related discussion.
- Details
- Written by Cassiel
- Category: Releases
- Hits: 15868
New release time!
The pack can be now found in our downloads section. As always, make sure to peruse the readme.txt (or click 'READ MORE...') and feel free to join in in the forum with any related discussion.