- Details
- Category: Tools
- Published: 17 June 2014
- Written by Cassiel
- Hits: 3341
F0XHOUND's Romulus has been updated to v0.024.
Further details can be found here: or click 'READ MORE' below.
- FIXED 7z file validation problem. Causing a read file error in some cases.
- FIXED Rebuilding files with CRC FFFFFFFF, other hashes are forced and checked. Bug found at UnRenamed ISOs - PC Compatibles [ISO] [MSDN] Dat.
- FIXED Importation XML files with symbol "<!--" to exclude inside content.
- FIXED Error when making report using Scanner option in TXT format.
- FIXED Displaying problems with modified Windows settings fonts. Like 125 %.
- FIXED XML importation conversion chars based in numbers using this param. &#number;
- FIXED Writing in disk very random problem caused by Windows creating a file read error when scan/rebuild files.
- FIXED Send to requests list problems for Community option using Scanner menus.
- FIXED In Generator processing checksums with multivolume compressed files and forzed to get info inside compressed files.
- FIXED Correct displaying windows on extended desktops.
- FIXED Restore and bring to from Romulus when is trying to run a Romulus second instance.
- ADDED Screensnap "magnetic desktop borders" to Romulus windows.
- REMOVED "No disk in drive" Windows error when a Drive is not ready.
- UPDATED CHDMAN to 0.153 version.