
ClrMame Pro

Roman Scherzer's ClrMamePro has been updated to v4.024.

Further details can be found here: or click 'READ MORE...' below.

fixed: cmpro still shows a wrong checksum message for unneeded chds even after removing them
fixed: general 32bit cut down issue when calculating size/checksums of files in zip64 archives
misc: xml datfiles with "machine" elements instead of game elements are parsed, too
misc: xml datfile export (either setinformation or dir2dat) uses "machine" as set element (cmpro.ini Adv_SetElementXML value holds the value in case you want to change it to "game")
misc: updated zipclass library to 4.6.2
misc: updated unrar library 5.30.4
misc: updated 7z library and sdk to 15.07
misc: ah yeah, if you don't know already, zip64 format now is officially supported

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