Happy Birthday TOSEC!
- Details
- Category: Other
- Published: 18 January 2015
- Written by Cassiel
- Hits: 4544
I am proud to announce that today is the TOSEC project's 15th birthday!
For a decade and a half we have been dedicated to the cataloging and preservation of software, firmware and resources for arcade machines, microcomputers, minicomputers and video game consoles.
As of release 2014-10-31, TOSEC catalogs over 280 unique computing platforms and continues to grow. As of this time the project had identified and cataloged 781,347 different software images/sets, consisting of over 4.97TB of software, firmware and resources.
We've come along way in the last 15 years, but that's nothing compared to what we have planned for the next few. Bring it on!
Work In Progress... Coleco ColecoVision
- Details
- Category: WIP News
- Published: 14 January 2015
- Written by Cassiel
- Hits: 4105
Today the entire ColecoVision hierarchy has been redone from scratch by Cassiel and Ikrananka.
ALL commercially released software has been re-dumped and verified, resulting in many hacks and bad dumps being identified and new clean images being added. In addition, many new hacks and homebrew images have been added too.
None of this would be possible without the outstanding work done by Ikrananka and his ColecoVision ROM Update Project. Ikrananka, with help from AtariAge members NIAD, Pixelboy and others, worked tirelessly to compile a complete and clean set of ROM files for all of the titles commercially released for the ColecoVision from inception through to, and including, the 1980s Telegames releases.
I would strongly recommend reading all about this amazing project here: https://atariage.com/forums/topic/228832-cv-rom-update-project-commercial-releases-v12/
Ikrananka's documentation on the many variants and regional differences is particularly fascinating if you are a fan of the ColecoVision.
Well done to everyone involved!
ClrMame Pro
- Details
- Category: Tools
- Published: 24 December 2014
- Written by Cassiel
- Hits: 5901
Roman Scherzer's ClrMamePro has been updated to v4.16.
Further details can be found here: http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/ (or click 'READ MORE...' below).
- Details
- Category: Tools
- Published: 19 December 2014
- Written by Cassiel
- Hits: 3524
GordonJ's RomVault has been updated to v2.2.0.
This is the first release following the project being made Open Source.
It is now hosted on GitHub, where releases and source can be found here:
Further details/commit notes can be found here:
So, if you have any coding experience and are interested in contributing
then I'm sure GordonJ and the rest of the team would be more than
appreciative of any help or testing you can offer.