TOSEC Release (2011-01-19)
- Details
- Category: Releases
- Published: 19 January 2011
- Written by Cassiel
- Hits: 7500
For all you eager beavers, today we have a new release hot off the presses.
Just like last time this is a sizable release, so if you have any questions then please feel free to ask on the forum. Even if you don't, join the forum and participate in some lively discussions anyway!
As always, enjoy...
Website software updated
- Details
- Category: Site News
- Published: 19 August 2010
- Written by PandMonium
- Hits: 7693
The software used on our website and some of its components were updated to the latest stable versions in order to solve some bugs (or try to). If something unusual occurs or stops working please post a note on our forums (or pm me).
TOSEC Release (2009-12-27)
- Details
- Category: Releases
- Published: 27 December 2009
- Written by PandMonium
- Hits: 9558
To all those still interested, today we have a new release proving indeed that we aren't dead, hopefully this will be the start of a new life for our project and not a new 2 year release cycle.
There have been quite a few changes in this long period so take your time, look at the readme and feel free to ask anything at our forum.
... and by the way, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too
TNC Update (2009-12-24)
- Details
- Category: TNC News
- Published: 24 December 2009
- Written by PandMonium
- Hits: 6704
TOSEC Naming Convention (TNC) was updated today to reflect the last changes made in the past months, trying to improve it and in some cases make it a bit simplier.