Author Topic: vg8020 WIP  (Read 15668 times)

Offline VG8020

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Re: vg8020 WIP
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2012, 10:27:50 PM »
Appreciate what you saying, but splitting DATs by category/file format is the TOSEC convention we use. I understand that software on these platforms was often modified to work on other media etc, but remember the DAT is being split by the file format the image is in, not the original media format necessarily. Also, if for example you have a '.cas' and '.dsk' image with the same name, in the same DAT (not an unlikely scenario given what you saying) then CMP (and similar) won't be able to scan/rebuild those sets correctly.

I tried RomVault and it worked out the many different files flawlessly. At any rate, there's a new update based on "system- category - extension". C'mon, now, say we're golden  8)

Not a problem at all as long as it's a sensible new category. Obviously we want to keep categories as standardised as possible across all sets/DATs.

Certainly. They'll be added only if needed and when needed. 40 different .dat files are already a great deal of data to manage.

(previously known as MSXfreak)

Offline Cassiel

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Re: vg8020 WIP
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2012, 08:48:46 PM »
Golden...  :)

Offline Duncan Twain

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Re: vg8020 WIP
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2013, 02:29:37 PM »
Hi vg8020,

I've uploaded a set of MSX images to ftp. One of our club members, Martin Schobbe, converted tehm from disk. I hope you can add them to the collection.


Offline VG8020

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Re: vg8020 WIP
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2013, 11:23:22 AM »
Hello Ducan!

Thanks for reporting! I'm having a good look at them at the weekend. Already downloading! Thank you Martin Schobbe! I tweeted my unfortunate latest update...

Now, it's time to get back on the track!  :)

« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 11:29:51 AM by VG8020 »
(previously known as MSXfreak)

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Re: vg8020 WIP
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2013, 03:23:22 PM »
Dude... that sucks massively.

Good to hear you getting things sorted now though.

Offline PandMonium

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Re: vg8020 WIP
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2013, 08:25:59 PM »
That's awful :/ My suggestion to other renamers is to have at least an offsite backup somewhere for new, non cataloged material - for instance using the ftp if things are not huge.

Offline VG8020

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Re: vg8020 WIP
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2016, 04:21:07 PM »
Magnavox Odyssey2 and Philips Videopac+ UPDATE

Thoughtful renaming drawing evidence from:
The Videopac Base v0.87
scene Gamelist777.txt

.dat files checked in TOSEC Dat Explorer v2015 for name errors. Error free.

Previously uncatalogued files now become TOSEC'ed.

Philips Videopac+ - Demo category created to host the only known demo file.

Room for discussion: given the evidence that...
  • Philips Videopac G7000 was released earlier than the Oddyssey 2, dec 78 versus feb 79
  • Magnavox had already been acquired by Philips North America
  • There is an existing Philips Videopac+ category
Magnavox Odyssey2  should be renamed to Philips Videopac G7000 - Magnavox Odyssey2
so that
  • both categories would show one after the other
  • a chronological/practical approach would be taken into category naming

(previously known as MSXfreak)

Offline PandMonium

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Re: vg8020 WIP
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2016, 07:00:52 PM »
Good work! :)

As for the questions you raised, it seems there is no easy answer.
So, if I understood correctly, we have a system with different names used for different regions (Philips Videopac G7000 vs Magnavox Odyssey2). One (the first) was released earlier, the other is used mostly in western countries and in the country of origin (of the manufacturer, which is called Magnavox). Thus, how to pick one as the main name?

I tend to agree that Magnavox Odyssey2 is an acceptable choice, other sources such as wikipedia used it too (although they might have some bias). I don't think we have any kind of rule in place for other cases (such as genesis vs mega drive) and common sense was used. Maybe others can give you a better answer ( @Crashdisk @Duncan Twain @tomse @Cassiel et al )

Offline VG8020

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Re: vg8020 WIP
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2016, 11:01:51 AM »
So, if I understood correctly, we have a system with different names used for different regions (Philips Videopac G7000 vs Magnavox Odyssey2). One (the first) was released earlier, the other is used mostly in western countries and in the country of origin (of the manufacturer, which is called Magnavox). Thus, how to pick one as the main name?

Precisely. That is it. Both are the VERY SAME system (hardware, specs...) but with different names (Philips Videopac G7000 in Europe; Magnabox Odyssey 2 in USA, even though as the latter name it was marketed in Brazil y Canada as well). Why two different names instead of one? Well, we could discuss but it seems a very sensible reason is Magnavox had a commercial name/reputation in USA. So marketing the console in USA as Philips Videopac G7000 would be like a brand new console in the stage; whereas keeping the name of the maker of the original Magnavox Odyssey (that is plain Magnavox) would certainly echo the potential buyers of the new model Magnavox Odyssey 2, that is was a product from the same vendor of the original Magnavox Odyssey. When, by those days, Magnavox already belonged to Philips North America. So it seems more like a strategic business marketing plan. In spite of this, learning about the development of the console would certainly be of interest to fans.

As as mentioned, from a chronological standpoint Philips Videopac G7000 was released earlier. In addition to this it makes more sense to have both systems Philips Videopac G7000  and Philips Videopac+ G7400 one after the other. I am not arguing in favor of removing Magnavox Oddyssey 2 from the system name. Never! Just swapping the terms to Philips Videopac G7000 - Magnavox Odyssey 2. Even newcomers would easly notice that there is a relationship between the two consoles at a simple glance. Even more, Philips Videopac G7000 and Philips Videopac+ G7400 share the same CPU. So there is the "first console G700" and the "second console G7400+". In the case of the Magnavox Odyssey, there is no such relationship as the Magnavox Odyssey did not rely on a CPU whereas the Magnavox Odyssey 2 did have the same CPU as Philips Videopac G7000 and Philips Videopac+ G7400. So the Magnavox Odyssey 2 was never the "second console".

As you kindly suggest, let's see the read the output from other members.

Regards to everyone,
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 11:18:57 AM by VG8020 »
(previously known as MSXfreak)