Author Topic: mictlantecuhtle WIP  (Read 42910 times)

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2011, 01:13:28 PM »
Heh, so much for "done by Sunday"  ::). Real life always manages to intervene at the worst time. Finally got these checked and datted, hopefully everything should be in order (although given my record so far I fully expect something to be horribly wrong). Some files were removed from the previous dats, as noted below

Code: [Select]
Malediction de Thaar, La (198x) (Coktel Vision) [a1] -- does not work in either MESS or dcmo5. A quick scan with a hex editor reveals "THAARTO7.BAS". Will check when I get round to the TO7 files.
Premier pas vers le Basic [1-2] (1984)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) -- need more work to discover how these correspond to the physical tapes (i.e. are these Tapes 1/2 of Volume 1/2, Side A/B of Volume 1: Tape 1, etc.

None of these work in either MESS or dcmo5. Examination with hex editor reveals lots of "DCMO6" strings. Will check along with MO6 files.
Code: [Select]

None of these have any clear indication of belonging to another system (some even have "DCMO5" strings in them), but all throw errors identical to those when trying to run e.g. MO6 software on an MO5. 99% sure these belong to one of the other systems.
Code: [Select]

Full list of the updated dats:

Thomson MO5 - Applications - K7 (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Applications - M5 (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Applications - QD (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Applications - WAV (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Compilations - Applications (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Compilations - Educational (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Compilations - Games (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Compilations - Various (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Covertapes (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Educational - K7 (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Educational - M5 (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Games - FD (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Games - K7 (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Games - M5 (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Games - QD (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Games - WAV (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Operating Systems - FD (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)
Thomson MO5 - Operating Systems - QD (TOSEC-v2011-08-23_CM)

Edited to add: Have added the three SimDisc files back in to the Camputers Lynx - Demos dat for now.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 01:18:27 PM by mictlantecuhtle »

Offline Cassiel

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2011, 01:20:17 PM »
Good stuff!

I'll take a look and let you know of any issues.

FYI - we're aiming for a mid to end September release (depending on TKaos/Aral) so you should see these released soon  :)

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2011, 07:02:37 PM »
Cool  :)

Just noticed one issue myself - I managed to copy-paste the wrong headers into Applications - [K7], cause I'm smart like that. Have uploaded the fixed version.

Hopefully I'll be able to at least check and split the remaining Thomson dats before then, even if I don't get round to adding any new files.

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2011, 12:32:41 AM »
Just finished sorting the TO7 files, will upload the dats tomorrow once I've checked them over. Now split into the following:

Thomson TO7 - Applications - [K7]
Thomson TO7 - Applications - [M7]
Thomson TO7 - Demos - [K7]
Thomson TO7 - Educational - [K7]
Thomson TO7 - Educational - [M7]
Thomson TO7 - Games - [K7]
Thomson TO7 - Games - [M7]

One new system flag - (TO7-70)

Offline Cassiel

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2011, 07:39:57 PM »
Re Thompson MO5

All headers corrected (spotted some more issues) and reuploaded to FTP.

I also spotted a couple of TDE errors which I corrected in DAT since they were simple. Has anyone shared the TOSEC Dat Explorer (TDE) with you? This is the tool we use to check for TNC compliance (I realise that last sentence may sound sarcastic, but honestly isn't my intention!  :)  ).

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2011, 08:54:50 PM »
TO7 dats now uploaded.

I'm not 100% sure how the headers should look. I've been copy-pasting from older dats and modifying as appropriate, but I think I may be getting the "category" bit in particular entirely wrong.

Yeah, I'm aware of TDE but as I'm currently running Ubuntu and I can't get it to work under Wine, I haven't been able to use it. On my todo list is to write a basic TNC compliance checker in Java for my own personal use (and to share, obviously, if it's not too awfully hacked together and if it would be of interest to anyone else).

Not taken as sarcastic at all  :). I apologise for the extra work involved in checking my dats. I am interested to know what I got wrong. I suspect there may have been at least one duplicate file, given the number of [aX] and [bX] files I added.

Offline Cassiel

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2011, 04:35:08 PM »
Re Thompson TO7

A few corrections:
- Some DAT's renamed to append '(TOSEC-v2011-08-28_CM)' to all.
- Renamed (and updated header) for 'Thomson TO7 - Demos - [K7]' to remove '[K7]'. The file extension only needs to be included if there are other DATs of the same category with different file formats.
- Removed (en) from 'Thomson TO7 - Applications - [M7]' where no Country flag exists. If there's no Country flag set, it is considered the image is in English by default (see 'Language' section in TNC).

All updated and reuploaded to FTP.

No major problems apart from those. One question though: why was 'Malediction de Thaar, La (198x)(Coktel Vision).k7' removed? Another one that's not the correct platform for the DAT (i.e. not TO7)?

Hope that helps re specific errors!

PS: no sweat re headers, I realise it's a PITA doing them manually. You'll just get used to it, then we'll extend them from the release after this one onwards... LOL

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2011, 12:55:08 PM »
Re: Malediction de Thaar. Managed to miss that one somehow. Has been renamed to Malediction de Thaar, La (1986)(Coktel Vision)(FR) and added to the appropriate dat.

Re: (en) flag in Applications - [M7]. Those should have had the country flag as well, have (re)added (FR)(en) to the appropriate entries (6809 Language Module, Basic v1.0 and Basic 128 v1.0). The publisher names for Basic and Basic 128 have also been changed to Thomson and To Tek respectively, based on box / cart pictures on the dcmoto site.

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2011, 06:50:35 PM »
Been working on the Thomson TO8, it's now split as follows:

Thomson TO8 - Applications
Thomson TO8 - Compilations - Applications
Thomson TO8 - Compilations - Educational
Thomson TO8 - Compilations - Games
Thomson TO8 - Compilations - Various
Thomson TO8 - Demos
Thomson TO8 - Games
Thomson TO8 - Miscellaneous

ZZZ-UNK-UNK-ctrlto9p -- renamed to Controle T09+ (19xx)(Cofadel Service)(FR) and moved to new dat Thomson TO9+ - Applications

Compilation Disk num 07 (198x)(-)
ZZZ-UNK-UNK-Exempl1 ['b]
ZZZ-UNK-UNK-quad ['b]

All four removed disks have a bad file structure and are basically worthless junk as far as I can tell (not only do they fail to boot / run, they tend to crash the emulated system and no meaningful information can be found with a hex editor)

While I know we are aiming to reduce the number of ZZZ-UNK- files, I have added this to several of the compilation disks. These all seem to be homemade compilations (some of them are literally just disk images full of MO5 / MO6 basic files) with no title or identifying information that I can find. My thinking is that at least the ZZZ-UNK- tag marks them out as completely unknown and therefore a priority for identification (should any useful info come to light), whereas the existing "Compilation Disk 04 (19xx)(-)" names are misleading and may cause them to be passed over.

One other minor issue I'm not sure about is that some disk images contain both a TO8 / TO9 / TO9+ version and an MO6 version of the same software. I've been tagging these with [includes MO6 version] in the more info field, but I'm not sure if this is the best way to deal with them.

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2011, 11:07:57 PM »
Just hacked together a quick tool in Python to check for duplicate CRCs in datfiles and it flagged up a few in the MO5 dats. The following duplicate files will be removed:

Applications - K7

Chardata (198x)(PD)[a] -- dupe of Chardata (198x)(PD)
Educational - K7
En Allant a l'Ecole Cycliste (1985)(Cedic)(FR)(Tape 1 of 2)[a] -- dupe of En Allant a l'Ecole Cycliste (1985)(Cedic)(FR)(Tape 1 of 2)
En Allant a l'Ecole Cycliste (1985)(Cedic)(FR)(Tape 2 of 2)[a] -- dupe of En Allant a l'Ecole Cycliste (1985)(Cedic)(FR)(Tape 2 of 2)
Frontier (198x)(CDDP)(FR)[b2] -- dupe of Frontier (198x)(CDDP)(FR)['b]
Games - K7
Stone Zone (198x)(SoftBook)(FR)[a2] -- dupe of Stone Zone (198x)(SoftBook)(FR)[a]

Apologies for that, bit of a screwup on my part  :-[

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2011, 06:23:45 PM »
Well that happens, btw try to also match md5 or sha1 and not only crc32.

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2011, 10:58:50 PM »
Yeah, sha1 and md5 matching is added now as well. I just happened to be testing it on the MO5 dats and it flagged those up, so I checked (they all matched md5 / sha1 as well).

More news on the MO5 dats (been trying to clear out the last of the miscellaneous bits and pieces of MO5 stuff I have lying around).

58 more files added, as follows:

Code: [Select]
Applications - FD: 1
Applications - K7: 3
Compilations - Educational: 22 (see below)
Compilations - Games: 2
Demos: 1
Educational - FD: 3
Educational - K7: 10 (see below)
Games - FD: 1
Games - K7: 15

10 files have been moved from Educational to Compilations - Educational after further testing:
Code: [Select]
Anglais - Volume 4 - Le Groupe Nominal 1 (1984)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) -- renamed to Anglais - Volume 4 - Le Groupe Nominal 1 & 2 (1984)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational

Mathematiques Calculs - Invasion des Chiffres (1984)(Nathan Ecoles)(FR)[a] -- renamed to Mathematiques Calculs - Invasion des Chiffres & Multiplication (1984)(Nathan Ecoles)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational

Mathematiques CE - Rangements et Reperages - Avant et Apres (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) -- renamed to Mathematiques CE - Rangements et Reperages - Avant et Apres & Combinaisons (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational. [a] renamed to main.

Mathematiques CE - Rangements et Reperages - Produits et Surfaces (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) -- renamed to Mathematiques CE - Rangements et Reperages - Produits et Surfaces & Quadrillage (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational. [a] renamed to main.

Mathematiques CE-CM - Geometrie - Angles (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR)[a] -- renamed to Mathematiques CE-CM - Geometrie - Angles & Golf (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational. [a2] renamed to [a]

Mathematiques CM1 - Orde de Grandeur (1985)(Nathan Ecoles)(FR)[a] -- renamed to Mathematiques CM1 - Orde de Grandeur & Lecture-Ecriture d'Un Nombre (1985)(Nathan Ecoles)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational. [a2] renamed to [a]

Mathematiques CP - Chiffres et Formes - Moins, Autant, Plus (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) -- renamed to Mathematiques CP - Chiffres et Formes - Moins, Autant, Plus & Compter (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational. [a] set renamed to main

Mathematiques CP - Chiffres et Formes - Promenade (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) -- renamed to Mathematiques CP - Chiffres et Formes - Promenade & Puzzle (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational. [a] renamed to main

Mathematiques CP-CE - Tables et Frises - Frises (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) -- renamed to Mathematiques CP-CE - Tables et Frises - Frises & Symetries et Translations (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational. [a] renamed to main.

Mathematiques CP-CE - Tables et Frises - Tables d'Operations (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) -- renamed to Mathematiques CP-CE - Tables et Frises - Tables d'Operations & Classement (1985)(Vifi-Nathan)(FR) and moved to Compilations - Educational. [a] renamed to main.

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2012, 06:45:51 PM »
Long time no update. Here's what I've been doing recently (dats, etc. will uploaded shortly):

New dats

Apple III - Collections - WAP III SIG Public Domain Library - 184 files
Apple III - Operating Systems - 5 files
Bondwell 12 - Operating Systems - 1 file
Casio PV-2000 - Games - 5 files
GamePark GP32 - Applications - [FPK] - 6 files
GamePark GP32 - Applications - [FXE] - 80 files
GamePark GP32 - Applications - [GXB] - 7 files
GamePark GP32 - Applications - Multi-file - 82 files
GamePark GP32 - Demos - [FPK] - 1 file
GamePark GP32 - Demos - [GXB] - 8 files
GamePark GP32 - Demos - Multi-file - 9 files
GamePark GP32 - Firmware - 7 files
GamePark GP32 - Games - [FPK] - 5 files
GamePark GP32 - Games - [FXE] - 103 files
GamePark GP32 - Games - [GXB] - 2 files
GamePark GP32 - Games - Multi-file - 61 files
GamePark GP32 - Games - [SMC] - 2 files
GamePark GP32 - Operating Systems - 5 files
Thomson MO5 - Applications - [FD] - 1 file
Thomson MO5 - Applications - [SAP] - 1 file
Thomson MO5 - Demos - 1 file
Thomson MO5 - Educational - [FD] - 3 files
Thomson MO5 - Educational - [WAV] - 27 files
Thomson MO5 - Games - [SAP] - 1 file
Thomson MO5 - Operating Systems - [SAP] - 1 file
Thomson TO7 - Operating Systems - [FD] - 2 files
Thomson TO7 - Operating Systems - [QD] - 1 file
Thomson TO9+ - Applications - 1 file

I've also been renaming a few files for the AT&T 3B1 (Unix PC), Applied Technology Microbee and APF Imagination Machine, but don't have those sorted into dats yet.

Updated dats

Apple III - Applications - 10 additions
Thomson MO5 - Applications - [K7] - 2 renamed, 4 additions
Thomson MO5 - Applications - [M5] - 1 addition
Thomson MO5 - Applications - [WAV] - 1 renamed, 1 addition
Thomson MO5 - Compilations - Educational - 22 additions
Thomson MO5 - Compilations - Games - 2 additions
Thomson MO5 - Educational - [K7] - 10 moved to Compilations - Educational, 11 renamed, 20 additions
Thomson MO5 - Games - [FD] - 1 renamed, 1 addition
Thomson MO5 - Games - [K7] - 18 renamed, 23 additions
Thomson MO5 - Games - [M5] - 1 addition
Thomson TO8 - Various - Split into appropriate dats. Seem to remember adding lots of files to these, can't be bothered checking right now.

Offline Cassiel

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2012, 06:57:57 PM »
And he's back!

F me... that's a veritable bounty of goodness. Well done you! Looking forward to checking out the actual DATs....

(man I loved my GP32...)

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: mictlantecuhtle WIP
« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2012, 03:15:10 PM »
Dats and files now uploaded

Just a heads up, there are a couple of new systems, countries & languages included in these.

(BLU+) - The backlit unit of the GP32.
(NLU-FLU) - The no light and frontlit unit of the GP32.

(AD) - Andorra

(ca) - Catalan

Also added three more dats, this time for the Xircom REX 6000. These are:

Xircom REX 6000 - Demos - 6 files
Xircom REX 6000 - Games - 45 files
Xircom REX 6000 - Utilities - 85 files