Neighbours - The Adventure (1992)(VideoBionics)(Disk 1 of 2)
Neighbours - The Adventure (1992)(VideoBionics)(Disk 2 of 2)
This 2 sets were in:
Commodore Amiga - Games - [ADF] (TOSEC-v2009-09-04_CM)
This is the dat(not created by me), which was the source of my renamig job.
Then i would let stay this sets in:
Commodore Amiga - Collections - Berliner Spielekiste, dont move to "PD".
Wings (1990)(Cinemaware)[unknown - Reel 3]
Removed, because its an emty disk, maybe a self created Savedisk, i dont know, anyway its not suitable for:
Commodore Amiga - Games - [ADF]
Again, thanks for your efforts.