Author Topic: Duncan's WIP  (Read 104477 times)

Offline NLS

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #210 on: November 13, 2018, 11:19:24 PM »
Per letter possibly (not group of letters). I don't love the solution, but is the most objective and VERY clear to follow.
I believe this is the best solution:
Grouping letters is a bit awkward. Needs balancing and possible future rebalancing. Single letters are clean and straightforward.

Categories are a big mess. This is why such things are done by metadata tags nowadays (and something can have multiple tags).

BTW compilations is something to clean up ANYWAY.

EDITED: To make more clear what I would vote if I had a vote.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2018, 09:18:42 AM by NLS »
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Offline tomse

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #211 on: November 14, 2018, 09:11:07 AM »
I vote for mictlantecuhtle's C of a sort
using letters rather than categories also keeps the file/path length as short as possible

Offline Kodoichi

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #212 on: November 14, 2018, 06:53:07 PM »
As comparison: the Amiga games ADF dat used to be split up into letters in older releases, now it's one big mess.

Offline MdGheist

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #213 on: November 15, 2018, 04:08:11 AM »
a simple way should be ,sorting by publisher of original software and or group

only a idea  ;)

as example

Panzer (1987)(Wicked Software) is the main original one
Panzer (1987)(Wicked Software)[a] is the other non orig

so it can be moved to (cracked/modded by folders) that yould make the main folder/dat alot thinner
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 05:03:28 PM by MdGheist »

Offline NLS

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #214 on: November 15, 2018, 08:07:06 AM »
As comparison: the Amiga games ADF dat used to be split up into letters in older releases, now it's one big mess.

what you mean?
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Offline Duncan Twain

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #215 on: November 15, 2018, 09:07:06 PM »
thank you all for the suggestions made. I don't like the letter categories, but never thought of creating subfolders from publishers.
I do like the idea from MdGheist, creating a set of good/preferred dumps and move the rest somewhere else. But then again, how to determine a good dump...

What about splitting per year? That would limit the overall set and create manageable sets per year.

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #216 on: November 15, 2018, 11:10:56 PM »
Per year is worth considering, definitely. You're bound to end up with some kind of bell curve, with really full folders for the middle years tapering up / down at either end, but probably neater than any other solution.

Offline NLS

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #217 on: November 16, 2018, 09:12:40 AM »
Per year is indeed interesting, but you will bump on many inconsistencies and one more thing that will need to be more "careful" about (sometimes the year is confused by things like when the crack came). Yes it is already important to have correct year, but if it becomes a folder separator, it becomes way more important.

The suggestion of "good/original" (like a no-intro part haha) vs "rest" is also good, but again, you will face way too much re-organization AND you will end up with a huge "rest" category. So I don't think it will help.

There is one thing you need to consider Duncan! You have to look at how a user will LOOK for a title.
Imagine let say that you want to check out Obliterator. Do you remember the year? You definitely remember the name though.
This is why letter is good.
Also because it is the most "objective" metadata of a game. We even call game collections (or movies etc.) "titles" some times, exactly for this reason.
(that said, indeed there are games with more than one official title, usually because of region issues)

Another classification that could help you split things up (but even I don't like it that say it)... is to separate multi-disk from single disk. Multi-disk are way less than single disk, but because they are erm... multiple, still make the list big. Single disk, are WAY more, but only a single entry (plus variances) per title.

The more I think of it, I believe letter is the most clean/straightforward/objective.
Note that I believe whatever is chosen, it has to become the splitting option for ALL machines (when splitting is needed) -i.e. for the whole TOSEC.

Hope you find a way soon.

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Offline yori yoshizuki

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #218 on: November 22, 2018, 08:26:24 PM »

I'm using games splitted dats in 3 or 4 parts.I did it almost 5 years ago.

Meantime I'm switching from public into internal.


Offline Duncan Twain

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #219 on: December 26, 2018, 09:24:45 PM »
Biggest C64 release ever coming up....

Offline Duncan Twain

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #220 on: January 04, 2019, 07:51:11 AM »
Shouldn't we create a new category like, "Firmware" or the like for these roms?

Offline NLS

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #221 on: January 04, 2019, 08:50:56 AM »
Is this the thread you wanted to reply to? :D
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Offline Duncan Twain

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #222 on: January 04, 2019, 10:52:03 AM »
indeed, wrong thread...

Offline Duncan Twain

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #223 on: January 06, 2019, 05:14:26 PM »
Some filetypes got mixed up in the last release (a couple of t64 files ended up in the crt section)... Fixed

Offline Duncan Twain

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Re: Duncan's WIP
« Reply #224 on: April 23, 2019, 02:01:29 PM »
Commodore C128 - Applications - [ARK] (TOSEC-v2019-04-15_CM).dat
Commodore C128 - Applications - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-15_CM).dat
Commodore C128 - Applications - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-01-09_CM).dat
Commodore C128 - Firmware (TOSEC-v2019-01-20_CM).dat
Commodore C128 - Games - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-15_CM).dat
Commodore C128 - Games - [SDA] (TOSEC-v2019-01-04_CM).dat
Commodore C128 - Magazines - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-01-04_CM).dat
Commodore C128 - Magazines - [D81] (TOSEC-v2019-01-04_CM).dat
Commodore C16, C116 & Plus-4 - Firmware (TOSEC-v2019-01-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Animations - [REU] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - Test Disks - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [ARC] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [ARK] (TOSEC-v2018-12-30_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [CRT] (TOSEC-v2019-02-01_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [G64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [LBR] (TOSEC-v2019-03-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [LNX] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [NBZ] (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [NIB] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [P00] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [SDA] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [SFX] (TOSEC-v2019-04-07_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Applications - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - C64CD'96 (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - Derbyshire Ram - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - Derbyshire Ram - [G64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - Dotson (TOSEC-v2019-02-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - Earthshaker (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - Einstein (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - Great White North (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - High Voltage (TOSEC-v2019-02-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - Jazzcat (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - Manik (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Collections - Oxyron (TOSEC-v2019-02-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Demos - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Demos - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Games - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-05_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Games - [SFX] (TOSEC-v2019-03-28_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Games - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Games - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2018-12-30_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Music - [SFX] (TOSEC-v2019-04-07_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Music - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-11_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Various - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Various - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Compilations - Various - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Cracktros - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Cracktros - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-02-03_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Cracktros - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-03_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [ARC] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [LNX] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [N64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [P00] (TOSEC-v2019-02-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [SDA] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [SFX] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Demos - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Commercial - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Commercial - [D81] (TOSEC-v2019-02-03_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Commercial - [G64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Commercial - [LBR] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Commercial - [NIB] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Commercial - [WR3] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Commercial - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Scene - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Scene - [G64] (TOSEC-v2019-01-05_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Scene - [LNX] (TOSEC-v2019-04-05_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Scene - [NIB] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Scene - [P00] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Scene - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-03-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Scene - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-03-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Diskmags - Scene - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Docs - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Docs - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Docs - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-01_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Educational - [G64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Educational - [NIB] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Educational - [P00] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Educational - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Educational - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-13_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2019-02-01_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Educational - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Firmware - CRT (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Firmware - Drives (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Firmware - Kernal (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - Boulder Dash - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - Boulder Dash - [NIB] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - Boulder Dash - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - GKGM - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - GKGM - [P00] (TOSEC-v2019-02-01_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - GKGM - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-02-01_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - GKGM - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - PCS - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - PCS - [LNX] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - Previews - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - Previews - [LNX] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - Previews - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - Previews - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - Previews - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2019-02-01_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - Previews - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - SEUCK - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - SEUCK - [P00] (TOSEC-v2019-02-01_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - SEUCK - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-02-01_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - SEUCK - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [ARC] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [ARK] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [BIN] (TOSEC-v2019-01-09_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [CRT] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [D81] (TOSEC-v2019-02-03_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [G64] (TOSEC-v2019-03-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [LNX] (TOSEC-v2019-04-20_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [NBZ] (TOSEC-v2019-01-04_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [NIB] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [P00] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [SDA] (TOSEC-v2019-01-04_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Games - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - GEOS - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-05_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Graphics - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Graphics - [LNX] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Graphics - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Graphics - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Graphics - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Music - [ARC] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Music - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Music - [D81] (TOSEC-v2019-03-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Music - [LNX] (TOSEC-v2019-02-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Music - [P00] (TOSEC-v2019-03-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Music - [PRG] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Music - [T64] (TOSEC-v2019-02-02_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Music - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Public Domain - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-17_CM).dat
Commodore C64 - Public Domain - [Z64] (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore C64DTV - Demos - [D64] (TOSEC-v2019-03-24_CM).dat
Commodore C64DTV - Firmware  (TOSEC-v2019-01-06_CM).dat
Commodore C65 - Firmware (TOSEC-v2019-01-20_CM).dat
Commodore PET - Firmware - Drives (TOSEC-v2019-04-23_CM).dat
Commodore PET - Firmware - Kernal (TOSEC-v2019-01-20_CM).dat
Commodore VIC20 - Firmware (TOSEC-v2019-01-20_CM).dat