Author Topic: RomVault TOSEC  (Read 3427 times)

Offline cmavroudis

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RomVault TOSEC
« on: January 19, 2021, 05:50:38 PM »

I am using RomVault to clean up my TOSEC directories.

How does RomVault recognise that a source file in "Tosort" folder is actually the correct file it is looking for? Does it depend on the file name being a specific way or is it actually able to check the file itself regardless of the file name?

I ask because when moving all my raw TOSEC files into Tosort, Windows failed to move some over due to long filenames so I had to cut the names down. However all of a sudden TOSEC is wanting to throw these amended files away instead of incorporate them during fix.


Offline Maddog

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Re: RomVault TOSEC
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2021, 07:39:06 PM »
RomVault is based on checksums (CRC32, MD5, SHA1) which it finds in the published dats. Filenames are irrelevant, it would recognize the file even if it is named

I have previously published a quick and dirty guide to RV using TOSEC scripts here:

In your case, just put all your files in the ToSort folder, follow my procedure and wait until it finishes putting everything in place. If you leave RV at the default settings, it will torrentzip everything, even if files are originally unzipped.

Offline cmavroudis

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Re: RomVault TOSEC
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2021, 10:15:26 PM »
Thanks for this link.

I have one more question when sorting out my TOSEC folders in RomVault should you know the answer.

As I fix each folder I end up with a folder name something like this:
/Acorn Atom - Games - [CSW]/*zip files*

Is it possible to have RomVault append the Date of the DAT file to the folder so each folder appears something like this
/Acorn Atom - Games - [CSW] [TOSEC-v2020-12-12)/*zip files*


Offline Maddog

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Re: RomVault TOSEC
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2021, 06:32:38 AM »
Can't really think of a way using my method, unless scripts are edited to include dates. The folders are created dateless by TOSEC_folders.bat, then the TOSEC_move.bat moves the dats to the folders with the appropriate name.
RomVault is just designed to replicate the structure it finds in the Datroot. So if you present it with a structure that includes dates in dirname, it will rebuild everything this way. But I can't think of any easy way to replicate this structure without editing the .bats. Probably task is dead easy for a coder, but I am not one...