I have a few complete sets of scanned magazines which are not included in any PIX set. I want to rename it all using TOSEC naming convention so I have checked a few PIX dats and I'm a bit confused by the following flags(?): Issue, Volume and Number. I am not sure when I suppose to use it. In some dats you'll find only Number in use and in some all of them.
The reason why I actually ask about that is a problem that I have with one magazine. It's a Polish magazine called Bajtek. Usually all magazines print the issue number on the cover so did Bajtek. But because of a difficult financial situation in Poland during the beginning of 90' it was very difficult to keep a regular publishing process. So there were so called double issues. Say a magazine suppose to be published every month but instead sometimes there was a double issue once in 2 months.
So the numbers for an issues usually looks like this:NR 6 (64)'91 or NR 4(57-58)'90.The first number is the number of an issue (?) in a current year, second I would say is a number of a physical volume and then there is a Year. Now to make things more complicated sometimes double issues has a number looking like: NR 6-7(70-71)'92. At some point there was a real mess. There was a number 1-2(49-50) January 1990 then the next volume: 3-4 April 1990 and the next one: 5-6(51-52)'90.
Now nevermind the mixed date format, but look at the issue numbering:49-50, ?, 51-52. I remember that the editor said once that they know about the numbering mess but they were is bigger problems so they didn't really care. The last ever printed issue is: 9-10(133-134)/96 but the true is there were 130 physical volumes printed all together.
Do you have a way to deal with this kind of problems? Can you explain when you use Issue, Volume and Number? What is the difference between Issue and Number? It all sounds a bit complicated but I hope you know what I mean.