Author Topic: Some submissions and some problems  (Read 5422 times)

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Some submissions and some problems
« on: June 21, 2011, 05:21:32 PM »
Hey, been sorting through my stack of unsorted stuff and I've dug out a lot of stuff I think might be of interest for the PIX project. I've renamed and sorted a bunch of it so far (see the list below), but there's still a lot of work to do.

Here's a list of what I've got so far (numbers in brackets is number of items in each collection):

Code: [Select]
Acorn System 1 - Manuals - Hardware (2)
Acorn System 1 - Manuals - Technical (4)
Advanced Digital Corporation Super Six - Manuals - Technical (1)
Ampro LittleBoard-186 - Manuals - Technical (2)
Ampro LittleBoard PLUS - Manuals - Technical (1)
APF Imagination Machine - Manuals - Hardware (2)
APF Imagination Machine - Manuals - Software (3)
APF Imagination Machine - Manuals - Technical (1)
APF PeCos One - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Apple II - Manuals - Hardware (2)
Apple II - Manuals - Software (3)
Apricot F1 - Manuals - Technical (1)
Apricot - Magazines - UserPrompt (3)
Apricot - Newsletters - Apricot Technical Bulletin (1)
Atari ABAQ ATW Transputer 800 - Manuals - Software (1)
Atari ABAQ ATW Transputer 800 - Manuals - Technical (2)
AT&T 3B1 - Manuals - Technical (11)
AT&T 3B2 - Manuals - Hardware (6)
AT&T 3B2 - Manuals - Software (2)
AT&T 3B2 - Manuals - Technical (2)
AT&T 3Bx Series - Manuals - Software (9)
Bondwell Model 2 - Manuals - Technical (1)
Canon Cat - Manuals - Hardware (3)
Canon Cat - Manuals - Software (3)
Canon Cat - Manuals - Technical (3)
Casio Algebra FX2.0 - Manuals - Hardware (2)
COMX COMX35 & PC-1 - Manuals - Hardware (6)
COMX COMX35 & PC-1 - Manuals - Software (3)
COMX COMX35 & PC-1 - Manuals - Technical (1)
Conitec Prof-80 - Manuals - Technical (4)
DEC MiniMINC - Manuals - Hardware (2)
Digital Electronics Model 832 - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Epson HX-20 - Manuals - Hardware (5)
Epson HX-20 - Manuals - Software (3)
Epson HX-20 - Manuals - Technical (4)
Epson PX-4 - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Epson PX-4 - Manuals - Software (3)
Epson PX-8 - Manuals - Hardware (2)
Epson PX-8 - Manuals - Software (4)
Epson PX-8 - Manuals - Technical (1)
Frael Bruc 100 - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Grundy NewBrain - Books (1)
Grundy NewBrain - Magazines - Brains (12)
Grundy NewBrain - Magazines - NewBrain Support Group (11)
Grundy NewBrain - Magazines - Open#Stream (3)
Grundy NewBrain - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Grundy NewBrain - Manuals - Software (4)
Grundy NewBrain - Manuals - Technical (1)
Hawthorne TinyGiant 68000 Single Board Computer - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Hawthorne TinyGiant 68000 Single Board Computer - Manuals - Software (3)
Hewlett-Packard HP-85 - Manuals - Hardware (9)
Hewlett-Packard HP-85 - Manuals - Software (6)
Hewlett-Packard HP-86 - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Hewlett-Packard HP-87 - Manuals - Hardware (3)
Hewlett-Packard HP-87 - Manuals - Software (7)
Hewlett-Packard Series 80 - Manuals - Hardware (10)
Hewlett-Packard Series 80 - Manuals - Software (8)
Honeywell Series 16 - Manuals - Hardware (8)
Honeywell Series 16 - Promotional Materials (4)
Honeywell Series 16 - Software Listings (23)
Imlac PDS-1 - Manuals - Hardware (3)
Imlac PDS-1 - Manuals - Software (12)
Imlac PDS-1 - Manuals - Technical (2)
Imlac PDS-1 - Newsletters - Imlac Users' Forum (2)
Imlac PDS-1 - Software Listings (6)
Indata DAI - Magazines - DAInamic (36)
Indata DAI - Magazines - DAITA (6)
Indata DAI - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Indata DAI - Manuals - Software (3)
Indata DAI - Manuals - Technical (6)
Intel iPDS - Manuals - Technical (2)
Kenbak Kenbak-1 - Books (1)
Kenbak Kenbak-1 - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Kenbak Kenbak-1 - Manuals - Software (1)
Micromint SB180 - Manuals - Hardware (2)
MOS KIM-1 - Manuals - Software (1)
Motorola Educational Board - Manuals - Hardware (1)
Multi-format - Magazines - Core (16)
Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 - Manuals - Software (1)

With that out of the way, on to the problems.

(1) Is there anything specific I should be modifying / altering in these files (e.g. straightening images, removing stuff like "Created with EasyPDF Creator", etc.)

(2) Magazines which change name halfway through a print run. For example, "COMX News" magazine for the COMX35 was "COMX-35 Newsbulletin" for the first four issues of volume one and then "COMX News" until end of publishing. Here's how I've named the first issue, not sure if this is right: "COMX News - Jaargang 01, No. 01 (1984-01)(Frensen, Gerard)(NL)[COMX-35 Newsbulletin]".

(3) Multi-format software and hardware. For example, I have a bunch of manuals for hardware for S-100 bus systems. That is, disk drives, RAM modules, etc. which can be used with any S-100 bus microcomputer (for example the Altair 8800 and the Cromemco Z-1). I have been tentatively putting these into "Multi-format - Hardware - S-100", but I'm not really sure what to do with them. Same situation with manuals for CP/M software, for example.

Edited to add:

(4) Just ran across this in a manual for the Olivetti M20. "Terza Edizione: Febbraio 1983", "Primo Aggiornamento: Giugno 1983". According to my friend Google Translate, these mean "Third Edition" and "First Update" respectively. To this point, I've been naming various editions of stuff as follows: "M20 Personal Computer - Linguaggio BASIC - Manuale Generale, 3rd ed. (1983-02)(Olivetti)(IT)". Not sure how to include this "update" in the name. "M20 Personal Computer - Linguaggio BASIC - Manuale Generale, 3rd ed. (1983-06)(Olivetti)(IT)[primo aggiornamento / first update]". maybe?
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 07:27:18 PM by mictlantecuhtle »

Offline Aral

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Re: Some submissions and some problems
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2011, 07:26:45 AM »
Could you please upload them for me and i will check and dat them for you. 


Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: Some submissions and some problems
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 03:17:47 PM »
All uploaded for your expert perusal  ;)