Thank you for the response PandMonium.
In my offer to help, I had 2 ways in mind.
Yes, I have CD's to dump/add which aren't in the DATs
But also help with the maintenance (when I get more experienced in the TOSEC naming, community etc) of the ISO part of the Amiga.
Or without stepping on someones toes, be the maintainer if there's the need.
I'm a total TOSEC noob, in the sense of naming, proper dumping etc, but I promise to do the best that I can.
To get in, on the discussion around which kind of format should be used.
There are, as you say, plenty of formats to choose from.
ISO might in the most cases just do it. But I've seen quite a few CD's on the Amiga that also contain sound tracks.
so a better format should be used.
cue/bin/wav could cover that which has been used a lot a decade ago.
but to follow the technology of the day, perhaps mds or mdx (generated by i.e. Daemon Tools for Windows) could be a good candidate, though I have no idea if there are any programs on MAC or *nix that can make that format, it ought to be multiplatform these days with more Linux and MAC computers see the light of the day.
The problem with mds / mdx is that it's limited to Daemon Tools, and perhaps a small selection of other tools, where ISO/BIN etc is a standard.
Of course if some of the other people already have some good options, I'm open.