TOSECISO Has 17 entries into the database one consiting of misc music. But I could not find an entry for Atari Jaguar, I'm thinking there are other entries missing as well. How is the data from systems NOT in the database (or in the database but not listed on the index page) being put in? Is there a trick to seeing the Atari Jaguar database on AKA CD Dumping project.
Let me clarify a few things on this [sorry this is my first post - so I am taking it slow]. -->
1. there are more systems not listed on [like pc-fx, pce, psx, ps2, nuon etc]
2. as to cd-da only optica media --> thats a different ballgame
3. there isn't a trick as to wether such systems are in database or not --> its simply not there
4. reason why its not there --> since we using a test program called TruRip which is is still under development
5. also we are working on a new website, which not only has hashes of iso's etc but also all other information [long story]
6. the new website will also be linked to the new ripper / burner [also for downloadable content, art, fixable files, logfiles, submissions etc bla]
7. and yes we can allready dump jaguar cd (verifyable), cdi-ready etc bla
8. and yeah its better then current programs like EAC, isobuster, alcohol, cdrwin, PerfectRip, ImgBurn etc --> we been working on it for 2 years and testing also all current programs out.
I hope I answered any questions you having else start nagging me

[and btw new ripper can allready do a tosec or a redump rip with 1 click

--> means no hacking, editing, deleting, adding, altering etc bla ]