Author Topic: Names and group in dat file.  (Read 2717 times)

Offline ZzackK

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Names and group in dat file.
« on: January 24, 2021, 09:08:42 AM »
This is my first post here and I want say thx for hard work. TOSEC is great. We love TOSEC :)

But need some changes in .dat structure. Now make sets for SBC or phones/tablets is a nightmare.
Retro world now is going fast to forward and at this moment emulators full support zip files to disk control and  auto mounts.
Example: AMIGA emu core lr-puae mounts from zip all disks to playlists or also can auomount four disks from zip to df0/df1/df2/df3 and boot emulator.

Suggestions is in names and grouping for easy way makes multidisk zip file because now create Amiga sets for retropie is long time horror ;)
Now is:
gameX 1
gameX 1
gameX 1
gameX 2
gameX 2
gameX 2
gameX 3
gameX 3
gameX 3

Need to be:
gameX 1
gameX 2
gameX 3

gameX 1
gameX 2
gameX 3

gameX 1
gameX 2
gameX 3

Should be for emulators:
« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 09:37:42 AM by ZzackK »

Offline NLS

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Re: Names and group in dat file.
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2021, 01:46:02 PM »
While TOSEC indeed can adapt and perfect in the future, I don't see what you mention as something that TOSEC should "care" about.
TOSEC naming has nothing to do with how it would suit better for emulators to work.
It is a documentation project, not something to make easy game collections.
Emulator devs should/could be able to handle such things, based on available dats.

After all I don't get it, if a retro collection needs to play for example "Alien Syndrome", what is the point of including all possible disk versions that are there? It just includes one (or sometimes 1-2 more if they are sufficiently different for a reason).
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Offline ZzackK

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Re: Names and group in dat file.
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2021, 02:35:20 PM »
Documentation is for people, emulators are for people, history is for people. Database and sets no-intro are prepare to easy use and modifications and it is nothing bad.

Have nice day.   

Offline NLS

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Re: Names and group in dat file.
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2021, 03:24:43 PM »
First of all I don't really understand what you are saying.

Second, I pointed what the whole point of TOSEC is.
If it doesn't suit you or your dream use, so be it.
Seems you already know of an alternative that does suit you.

Did you also ask the devs to properly understand and handle TOSEC? Or just tried your luck with TOSEC first?

BTW this hasn't stopped anybody yet from using the sets anyway, so you are making a problem that doesn't exist.
TOSEC doesn't... zip files. People that use the dats do. You can find single-file-zips (usually) and massive zips of whole folders (Tim's collection in PD). It's just a choice.
You can rezip the zips yourself, who is stopping you.

So, I am not entirely sure you have a clue about what you are talking about.
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Offline ZzackK

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Re: Names and group in dat file.
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2021, 04:45:27 PM »
Sorry for my English.
TOSEC Database is unfriendly just all. People makes tools like  DATinate for edit flags or ROMSetMerger-0.22 for rebuild dat file.
It was just a suggestion to rename and regroup in future. Nothing more.