Yeah I'm interested in that. Are there any procedural guidelines that you all follow that I need be aware besides the obvious?
It should be pretty much straightforward - rename the files according to the
TOSEC Naming Convention and put them in appropriate folders. It should hopefully be obvious from the way that current dats are named but the basic convention there is
Manufacturer System - Type - [File Type] e.g. Apple II - Games - [DSK]. You don't need the last part if all files are of the same type, it's only used where we have multiple file formats represented for a specific system.
When it comes to creating the dats themselves, different people take different approaches. I tend to use the dir2dat tool in clrmamepro, whereas others I believe have custom scripts or tools to meet their own needs. We can cross that bridge when we come to it.
Other than that, basically keep in touch and let us know how it's going, ask any questions etc. If you want to send some WIP dats for us to take a look over and comment on, just send me a PM.