Author Topic: A New Bit Joins the Scene.  (Read 1982 times)

Offline Bitboy01

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A New Bit Joins the Scene.
« on: September 17, 2021, 08:16:54 PM »
Hello. Could someone (if allowed) or an administrator be as so kind, to let me use the TOSEC DAT explorer new or original ? as there is no link available on the site or none provided plus, it will keep me not intellectually bored or complain really about a lot - to avoid some major trouble, if the tool actually I heard did exist. = 2021 reference.

= Thank you if possible.

I heard so much really, about preservation and all that, and thought hey, why not just ask if much is ok. I just want to use the software to test on some dats that I have (personal *legal* use only aside from reality check of boredom). I had been looking for something like it, but besides reading hashes or fixing, and risking corrupting the file, nothing seems to work. I want to rebuild my own as well like the rest of society. Do they have a tool to extract or view contents within a file? Thank you, as I am just sort of going crazy. = Anyway of contributing would be nice if I knew how to do that, but the problem is, there are too many contributors and ethical situations. (Save me a spot on some list asking for software reference which, may or may not exist .) As the original link was removed. Would be nice to get it by email if concern of product trustee. = thanks. (Personal use only without share, for legal check and situations to avoid) - Not sure how to respond to TOSEC or contact someone who is "qualifiable" that has official software claim. Looking for a reputable reference. (note, someone posted before but surely any assistance would be nice. Besides the TOSEC dat explorer, there is really nothing I came here for except sign up and just watch the magic happen and read on anything I might have missed for a time. ._. Others who ask for help, I am unsure at what means but whatever. I am looking for advice mainly on what to do in my situation. Thank you for your support TOSEC team for reading my comments. ^-^