Author Topic: TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?  (Read 6317 times)

Offline guigui69

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TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?
« on: August 14, 2012, 06:08:46 AM »
Hello TOSEC !

First, i'm happy TOSEC is always here ! i remember some years ago, i renamed a few C64 demos for Tosec. it was nice because i discovered a little the C64 scene although its demos
Similar to the CPC demos scene.

Some years ago, i got two pack  : TOSEC MUSIC (20041206) & TOSEC MUSIC Unknown (20041207)
i merged it on a "TOSEC MUSIC Complete collection (20050325)"

it's a very nice collection. why is it discontinued ?
i saw there is a lot of music VGM collections. All the projects seems discontinued.

i though about a "revival" of the TOSEC MUSIC including all the music projects for 12 years.

what do you think about this idea ?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 06:10:24 AM by guigui69 »

Offline Cassiel

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Re: TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 09:47:30 AM »
Forever and every and every..... hehe.

Well, I know personally I have zero interest in these music 'rips' and I've never personally bothered collecting (either the old TOSEC or non-TOSEC).

In regards to the actual project though, I'm not sure they ever really 'fit'. I don't think any of the modern TOSEC members have any interest in these either to be honest, or certainly not enough to concentrate on these rather than dumping/renaming/adding actual software.

So, in short... I really wouldn't hold your breath. As you've noticed, there isn't really much interest in the wider retro/emu scene in regards to these rips anymore either. Think interest peaked during WinAmp's heyday (with VMG plugin's), but not really anymore...

You never know though....

BTW: welcome back to TOSEC!  :)

Offline guigui69

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Re: TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2012, 02:42:19 PM »

thank you for your frank answer & kindness

i have another question i wonder for years. i checked the statistics on TOSEC posted by pandemonium.
we see there are a lot of "bad dumps", why these bad dumps are not erased from TOSEC ? is it because TOSEC has only a release of "this" or "that" game in particular ?

Offline Cassiel

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Re: TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 03:25:36 PM »
Partially by design. Partially historic.

Remember when TOSEC first began it was all about cataloguing EVERY image and so all CRC32 were known. It's a fairly modern trend (with project such as No-Intro etc) to now 'faze out' bad dumps when good dumps are available.

We did actually attempt this ourselves a few years ago by having DATs generated on the fly and customizable i.e. you could exclude bad dumps, overdumps etc but people didn't like it. Same problem GoodTools had... if you catalogue it, people will want to collect it (even if the default is to exclude). And then bad dumps hang around forever.

I actually prefer this method, by default excluding bad dumps BUT making sure we're aware of bad images in the background too for identification purposes.

I did briefly look into using the <baddump> flag in CMP, but with things like ROMVault becoming much more popular now we would ideally need a 'cross-tool' solution instead.

It's on my list... just along with 1000 other things! :)

Offline guigui69

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Re: TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 04:02:51 PM »
Cassiel, i think like you said :
"f you catalogue it, people will want to collect it " >>>> that's really that !

as you say, the best solution should be to definitively ERADICATE bad dumps or dupes. the only bad dumps kept should be the "only available roms" for this game or tool or PD.
According to my precedent post, i think there are too much collection : TOSEC / Redump / No-intro / Gamebase / Goodtools. So many dupes !
i think than some years ago, TOSEC suffers comparison with a "bad reputation according to "set full of bad dumps", i heard sometimes thiese words. i think it should be really good to delete all "the crap or useless" roms.

Of course this is my advice. I think for people who want keep bad dumps, we can create a "Historical Bad dumps Tosec (20120820)" no ? it sounds funny :p

Quality not quantity^^

On the other posts, we speak about romulus & romvault. i don't understand why these projects are stand-alone
I think "RomuVault" (lol) or "RomVulus" should be the ultimate tool manager :)

« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 04:24:32 PM by guigui69 »

Offline mictlantecuhtle

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Re: TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2012, 06:15:51 PM »
I guess from my perspective, datting bad / over / whatever dumps is more important from a maintainer / renamer's point of view than it is for the end user.

In order to generate a "clean / good dumps only" set for the end user, it's important to have a complete database that includes all known bad dumps, etc. I'm always grabbing files from odd corners of the net and it saves me a lot of time being able to scan them and see which are new and which are already known.

I guess, like Cassiel says, the ideal solution is to have some way of generating dats containing only the flags you want (or, possibly more to the point, eliminating only the flags you don't).

Incidentally, I'm aware that I haven't submitted anything in quite some time now. Combination of new job and my girlfriend being ~8 hours drive away means I have little free time (and what little I do have tends to be spent staring vacantly at something nice and stupid). I have been working on stuff here and there and I'll try to get my arse in gear and submit something soon.

Offline Cassiel

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Re: TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2012, 10:24:45 PM »
Hey stranger....  :)

No probs, any contributions (even spaced far apart!) always appreciated.

Offline Methanoid

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Re: TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2012, 03:41:19 PM »
Whilst I would agree that bad dumps should be chucked out of TOSEC, unless they are the only dump in existence, a similar argument could apply to the many ALT dumps in TOSEC. Who is to know which is the totally working dump and which one was the original and which one was added cos some "lamer" changed a boot block or saved the gamesave onto the disk? Even when you think you have the right disk, if you dumped the others then you might make a mistake.

Having said all that, I would be great to have a DAT of "TOSEC Rejects" so that people could scan all their files, renaming as necessary but renamers wouldnt forever be being sent the same old crap that has been excluded many times!!

But I dont think TOSEC is a democracy so I guess its for the "powers" to decide the best way forward, hopefully listening to the opinions of others even if not agreeing!

Offline Cassiel

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Re: TOSEC MUSIC discontinued forever ?
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2012, 06:05:07 PM »
alt=REAL alternative (perfectly valid, one no 'better' than the other) opposed to hack/modified.

Oh course... we are talking ideal world.